Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Nighttime Regulars

So, I typically work the closing shift which has its pros and its cons:

Pro: I don't have to work with the psycho shift-supervisor who almost invariably works opening shifts.  This is reason enough for me to favor closing shifts, yo!
Con: My store stays open till 11:00 pm on weekdays and 11:30 (!!!) on Saturdays (...10:30 on Sundays), so I can't ever watch Vampire Diaries at its normal time. Eff.
Pro: I start work at 3:00.
Con: I can't sleep-in past 8:00 am. Ever. Nuts.
Pro: Most of the nighttime customers are stinkin' awesome!

I like my nighttime regulars a lot.  There's the guy who orders an average of 5 venti nonfat upside-down caramel macchiatos a night. Caffeine much?  There's the guy who orders a grande whole milk earl grey latte and talks to me for a few minutes as he adds the perfect combination of sweeteners and powders - a veritable chemistry lab.  There's the most adorable couple in the world who have found the secret to making their marriage work: nightly trips to their neighborhood coffee shop for a decaf solo macchiato, a tall latte, conversation, and adorableness.  There are the two 'platonic' besties who come in every night for coffee and work on their laptops, even though you can totally tell that this time spent next to each other 'working' and chatting it up is the highlight of their days.  There's that strange old couple who comes in with the most specific order of beverages and food items And as much as they're a tad frustrating, I love the predictable rhythm they bring to my night.  All of these people with their same orders night-in and night-out bring a steadiness that I find myself craving for my life on a grander scale these days.

I mentioned that I'm barista-ing while searching for other employment: my vocation, my 'calling' if you will.  Last year, I served as an AmeriCorps volunteer with an amazing non-profit organization.  I was given a ton of responsibility, I loved what I did, and it made me feel good and useful.  Since my term of service ended, I've rejoined the leagues of recent-college-grads in job hunt world.  Anyone who's searching for a job right now should be able to empathize with the feeling of a complete lack of control in this arena, just as I've experienced for the past several months now.  Every resume that I send out and get no response back from is another organization who, for some reason or another, I am not right (good enough) for.

I know that in this economy, it's incredibly difficult to find a job, and I am so thankful that I have the coffee shop because it pays the rent in the meantime, while giving me the flexibility to look for something that I truly want to do.  So many people don't have this luxury.

I'm also thankful for my lovely nighttime regulars who, through their steadiness and predictability, have leant me some of that stability that's currently missing from other areas of my life.

Anywho, till next time,


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